XDCC Server Pro DCC Commands

XDCC Server Pro DCC Commands

There are 7 Command Sets with 5 basic start commands. All commands are accessed through DCC Chat. Below is an overview of some of the command combinations available in XDCC Server Pro for quick reference. Please see the Help System and Xset Commands pages for extensive information and examples.

x is the Server Command used for things like start, stop and status.
a is the Add Command for adding files, channels, or bans.
d is the Delete Command for deleting packs, channels, or bans
l is the List for listing files in que or packs.
m is the Move Command used to re-assigning exsisting pack positions.

Channel Commands
.achan channel
.dchan channel
Lists the Server Channels
Adds a Server Channel
Deletes a Server Channel
Package Commands
.apack file
.apack file,description
.apack /route/file,desc
.apack file,,file
.apack file,description,,file,description
.apack -all
.apack -all /route/
.apack /route/file,description
.apack /route/file,description,,file,description
.apack #3 file
.apack -all end
.dpack packnumber
.mpack 1 3
.mpack 3-6 end
Add a single pack default description
Add a pack for files in default path
Add a pack file in a different route
Add multiple packs default descriptions
Add multiple packs with descriptions
Add all packs with default descriptions
Add all packs in a different route
Add a single pack with description
Add multiple packs with descriptions
Add a single pack to position 3
Add all packs to end of exsisting list
Delete a package
Lists the packages offered
Move pack number #1 to postion #3
Moves pack 3 thru 6 to end of pack list
Server Commands
.xset option value
Start the server
Stop the server
Change many tcl settings thru dcc chat
Current server status
Reset Server Totals
Sends Commands
.dsend send# or nick
Lists all active sends
Terminates the selected file send
Que Commands
.dque que# or nick
Lists the files in queue
Deletes file from que or all ques for nick
Ban Commands
.aban mask or nick
.dban ban# or nick
Lists current server bans
Adds a ban to the server ban list
Deletes a ban from the server ban list
Other Commands
How to use the help system
Current version info
Dynamic settings help