BogusHTML Version 2.06.4 Full Release

The Ultimate HTML Page Stat Generator for BogusTrivia

BogusHTML is a full featured HTML page generator written for BogusTrivia 2.06.3 or above. BogusHTML is an add on script for BogusTrivia for those users wanting HTML generated player stats. BogusHTML now includes all required files and no longer requires a patch. I have cleaned up and pached all 5 html templates for better presentation.

BogusHTML requires BogusTrivia 2.06.3+ It cannot be run on any pervious version of BogusTrivia. It contains all the features of the previous version as well as the new features below. Please read all enclosed documentation in both BogusTrivia 2.06.4+ and BogusHTML 2.06..4 prior to installation.

New in this Release: Version 2.06.4 (08-14-14)
  1. Includes new t-2.html.
  2. Patch No Longer Required
  3. All Templates Patched.

Download BogusHTML 2.06.4 Here

BogusHTML Features
  1. Bot Generated HTML Stats with On|Off Option
    Pages will be generated by the options you choose in the t-2.html.tcl
  2. Single Stat Pages or an Entire Site
    You choose which and how many stats you want to display. Display current active stats, day, week, month and lifetime. Display history stats, last 7 days, weeks, and months. Display extended history stats, Janurary, Februrary, et.
  3. Track and Display any Number of Events
    Option settings allow you to track and display any stats you choose as well as the number of each event.
  4. Custom Templates & CSS with Included Themes
    The templates include an index, active, ever, history and extended history layout, a CSS file for each preset theme is included so your Web Pages match your game theme. Templates provide complete site navagation to all your generated player stats.
  5. Create Web Pages on Demand
    Commands are available to create web pages on demand. May be used when upgrading or for Windrop users to create fresh pages just before upload.
  6. Improved Page Navigation
    New links have been added for easier navigation within stat pages. BogusHTML creates smartlinks based on the stats you choose to show. There is never a need to hand edit any pages created unless you choose to include your own content. Please note, if you choose to hand edit the generated HTML document it will be overwritten the next time BogusHTML writes the new files.
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